
Less is More

Philippians 4:11 "Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content."

The orphans are such an example to me and my family of contentedness. What I am realizing is that contentment is learned through the circumstances the Lord brings about in our lives.

What examples do I see in the orphans' lives?

1) Being delighted in playing with simple things such as balloons, a tire, a rubber ball, or a mud doll for a long period of time.

2) Having fun washing the clothes and hanging them on the line.

3) Eating what is given to them (they have a set menu each week).

4) Sitting on their porch, talking and saying hello to the people as they pass by.

5) Singing unto the Lord.

6) Being so attentive and grateful when we do a craft with them or play a game.

These children have very little and yet are content which tells me that less is more - an important lesson from the Lord.


Lucie Manette said...

Great post, Sarah! I'm so glad that the internet is working better this time. :)

Anonymous said...

I love this blog, Sarah. Contentment is so important. It seems that the more we have, the more we think we need, and the more we find we want. Thank you for a timely reminder! Fondly, Beall for all of us.