Unfortunately, this will probably be one of the last, if not the last. posts until we leave the country. I have had a real struggle getting on the internet today, and barely got the last three posted. I had meant to put some of my favorite pictures up, but the internet is so slow that I will have to wait. So, goodnight for now.
Sarah & family,
While we miss ya'll, we are SO encouraged by what you are doing....and by what God is doing IN you. We're praying for you, and look forward to seeing all the pictures and hearing the stories when you return. The girls say "hi"!
The Dowlings
Hey there Pattys!!!
I can't believe you are there! I guess I didn't realize you were already going. It seems as if everybody I meet lately has something to do with missions in Africa. I hope and pray that God would use you all in mighty ways and that you would know Him and His power every day. I know already that you will not come home the same. Praise the Lord that we never stay the same! Would love to get together with you and here about it.
Sorry that your internet is so slow. Are you not going to write on theis blog again or is this just until you leave Zambia? I hope that the rest of your stay goes well. The poor connection just leaves you more time to fully devote yourself to what you are doing there. I can't wait to see you again.
Patty family~
I had just recently heard you guys were already over there. What an awesome opportunity for your family.
We will be praying for you, for the people there that you share the HOPE of Christ with.
HE is our Solid Rock and the HOPE we have within and how wonderful He has chosen to use you as you obey His calling for your family.
blessings, and DO update when you can, Sarah! Thanks a bunch for keeping friends/family over here posted on what God is doing there.
& the Prescotts~
YEAH! the blog is up! Now I can keep up with you.
Love ya,
Liz Sweet
Hello Sarah!
I am really inspired by your blog, and what God is doing in you and your family's lives! I am sure that this will be a remarkable and memorable experience that (like it said in one of your posts) you will remember for a life time!
Miss ya'll sooooo much,
Dear Sarah and Family,
We really enjoyed your photos and blog information, fantastic blog.
The bug up front was a real eye catcher as well as the other information about other wildlife in Africa.
Thank you for keeping us informed on your work for the Lord. Glad to hear and see the Lord working through you and the Africans. The Lord is up to something good!
Mary Ann for the Dana family
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